Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Greetings from Ruthie!

Hello, darlings!

I'm Ruthie, and I'll be here every Monday! I'm really excited to share the things I love with all you awesome people here on the Overall Blog.

I just want you all to get to know me a bit, so here's 10 cool things about me!

1. I really, really love my family. My parents and siblings are the most wonderful, adorable people I could ever ask for. They're the best!

2. I really love my family...again. I love doing genealogy, finding old pictures, stories, and documents, and bringing my ancestors to life.

3. I play the piano. My favorite piece to play is Shostakovich's Piano Concerto no. 2 (the second movement is my favorite).

4. I love Captain America a little too much... 😍 (also the rest of Marvel but he's the best, in my mind)

5. I love to read. I'll read basically anything I'm handed. I've always loved historical fiction and history the most, but I also really enjoy any kind of fantasy that has its own major universe (Harry Potter, The Lord of the Rings, any Brandon Sanderson book).

6. My favorite kind of food is any kind of fruit except bananas. Fruit is SO. DELICIOUS.

7.  I strongly dislike being cold to any degree and love the summer so, so much.

8. I love to talk. A lot. Many of my poor, sweet friends will be forced out of courtesy to listen to my hour-long spiel about topics like politics, Captain America, whichever book I just finished, funny stories, and my really cute little brother. You all are saints, dear friends! 😂 I also love to discuss interesting topics so I can see the other person's perspective and gain a higher understanding of the subject.

9. I have the best friends I could ever ask for. They're all so caring, kind, compassionate, strong, determined, and have a great vision of what they and those around them can become. I love them so much.

10. I have a soft spot in my heart for liberty and patriotism. I love my country and its founders SO. MUCH.

Well, there you have it. 10 things about me!

Now, you might be wondering... "Ruthie, why are you here on the Overall Blog?"

I'm here so that I can help inspire other teenage girls to be their best selves, to find personal beauty and power, and to follow their life's mission. I'll be blogging about quotations and people that inspire me, cool events in my life, interesting things I learn, things that help me when I'm feeling down, some DIY crafts (which will be really interesting because I'm not crafty in the least), and probably a little Captain America.

I'd like to challenge all of you to write 10 awesome things about yourself! We all have so much beauty within... let's appreciate it!

Much love,


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